Friday, August 7, 2015
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tomorrow, Friday, 11/11/11, massive solar flares will emanate from our sun, flooding us with electromagnetic energies. These will activate the Earth's energy grid and open a new portal bringing us closer to the 5d world. Everything will be affected, from our cells to our light bodies and the Earth's energy grid.
11/11/11 is powerful numerically, as a symbol, 11 represents the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The Earth's Crystal Grid acts much like the Human Chakra system, with energy points throughout vibrating with unique intensity and purpose. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of the Universe is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth.
Gather & raise this energy so that the most pure vibrations may echo in tandem with others to heal and excite all living bodies on Earth while preparing your bodies and minds for the great influx of Light that will penetrate us. Join each other in creating a portal for this energy to flow and reverberate.
It's the Science of Energy
At 11:11am and/or 11:11pm your local time make yourself comfortable and position yourself in your usual meditation position, lotus or otherwise.
Meditate for 11 minutes (or however long you wish).
Everyone should do what feels right to them but if you would like some guidance please follow these instructions:
Take deep breaths and feel the oxygen entering every cell of your being.
Consciously relax every muscle in your body.
Visualize a pyramid of white light surrounding every aspect of your body.
Visualize a beam of white light coming out of your head, going up into the Universe and connecting with the sun.
Visualize the same beam going down through your body and into the Earth until it reaches the core.
Visualize another beam coming out of your Heart and making its way around the Earth until the whole planet is encircled in your pure white light.
See the energy grid of the planet light up in your mind.
Visualize world Peace, Harmony and Love enveloping every part of the planet.
And most importantly follow your inner guidance and intuition ♥
Friday, October 21, 2011
Mind can never be intelligent- only 'no-mind' is Intelligent. Only no-mind is Original and Radical. Only no-mind is revolutionary- revolution in Action. The mind gives you a sort of stupor. Burdened by the memories of the past, burdened by the projections of the future, you go on living- at the minimum. You don't live at the absolute maximum. Your flame remains dim. Once you start dropping thoughts, the 'dust' that you have collected in the past the flame arises- clean, clear, alive, young. Your whole life becomes an ardent flame; smokeless and full of awareness.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Shine, Brilla fuerte
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
“Sometimes I think that the greatest achievement of modern culture is its brilliant selling of samsara and its barren distractions. Modern society seems to me a celebration of all the things that lead away from the truth, make truth hard to live for, and discourage people from even believing that it exists. And to think that all this springs from a civilization that claims to adore life, but actually starves it of any real meaning; that endlessly speaks of making people “happy,” but in fact blocks their way to the source of real joy.
This modern samsara feeds off an anxiety and depression that it fosters and trains us all in, and carefully nurtures with a consumer machine that needs to keep us greedy to keep going. Samsara is highly organized, versatile, and sophisticate; it assaults us from every angle with its propaganda, and creates an almost impregnable environment of addiction around us. The more we try to escape, the more we seem to fall into the traps it is so ingenious at setting for us. . As the eighteenth century Tibetan master Jikme Lingpa said: “Mesmerized by the sheer variety of perceptions, beings wander endlessly astray in samsara’s vicious cycle.”
Obsessed, then, with false hopes, dreams, and ambitions, which promise happiness but lead only to misery, we are like people crawling through an endless desert, dying of thirst. And all that this samsara holds out to us to drink is a cup of salt water, designed to make us even thirstier.”
— Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Page 20
This modern samsara feeds off an anxiety and depression that it fosters and trains us all in, and carefully nurtures with a consumer machine that needs to keep us greedy to keep going. Samsara is highly organized, versatile, and sophisticate; it assaults us from every angle with its propaganda, and creates an almost impregnable environment of addiction around us. The more we try to escape, the more we seem to fall into the traps it is so ingenious at setting for us. . As the eighteenth century Tibetan master Jikme Lingpa said: “Mesmerized by the sheer variety of perceptions, beings wander endlessly astray in samsara’s vicious cycle.”
Obsessed, then, with false hopes, dreams, and ambitions, which promise happiness but lead only to misery, we are like people crawling through an endless desert, dying of thirst. And all that this samsara holds out to us to drink is a cup of salt water, designed to make us even thirstier.”
— Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Page 20
Black Elk Wisdom
Black Elk: "The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its Powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Tanka, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real Peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men."
Thursday, October 13, 2011
We are all ‘star seeds’, or ‘star people’ as we all have lived in many realities in many planetary systems and in higher realms as other life forms. So here we are, star seeds, soul sparks on a mission, trapped for NOW in a physical experience.
Starseeds allegedly seed planets with information and spiritual frequency when one cycle of time is about to end and another begin. As planetary frequency increases, so too does their levels of awareness, and need to help others, and return to their natural state of being, a soul spark of light.
There is little connection to the mainstream systems of society, religious, political or economic. Creativity is the key to spiritual fulfillment and mission.
Many prefer to work only in the esoteric fields - healing, searching for their own truths and their soul mission through studying systems of higher wisdom, writing their biographies as a means of clearing issues and understanding their work here and now.
They await a great awakening the evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time. They
know that no one has the date for us to move into levels of higher frequency but their souls tell them that it is on the horizon. They are programmed to find others like themselves, as based on similar frequencies and predestined agendas.
Sometimes these souls are labeled ‘walk-ins’ or ‘wanderers’. It is all the same, as it is really one soul having multidimensional experiences.
Some starseeds can overcome feelings of longing because they remember how to manifest realities that help them function in physical bodies while doing their work, holding their frequency here, at the same time. Others feel lost and alone, become depressive and withdraw from society feeling that no one understands them.
Some die young from illnesses, accidents, suicides as the pain of remaining here becomes too great. Most are hampered by the limitations of the third dimension. Most do not want children.
Some trigger soul memory gradually as their conscious awareness evolves. Others chose to attract an event, such as a near death experience, in which they detach from the physical grid returning in higher frequency. By creating a physical event of this kind, they are often left with the finances so they no longer have to work in the physical and can spend their time searching for the truth about their purpose here. A functional soul will never take this route of sabotage.
Starseeds allegedly seed planets with information and spiritual frequency when one cycle of time is about to end and another begin. As planetary frequency increases, so too does their levels of awareness, and need to help others, and return to their natural state of being, a soul spark of light.
There is little connection to the mainstream systems of society, religious, political or economic. Creativity is the key to spiritual fulfillment and mission.
Many prefer to work only in the esoteric fields - healing, searching for their own truths and their soul mission through studying systems of higher wisdom, writing their biographies as a means of clearing issues and understanding their work here and now.
They await a great awakening the evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time. They
know that no one has the date for us to move into levels of higher frequency but their souls tell them that it is on the horizon. They are programmed to find others like themselves, as based on similar frequencies and predestined agendas.
Sometimes these souls are labeled ‘walk-ins’ or ‘wanderers’. It is all the same, as it is really one soul having multidimensional experiences.
Some starseeds can overcome feelings of longing because they remember how to manifest realities that help them function in physical bodies while doing their work, holding their frequency here, at the same time. Others feel lost and alone, become depressive and withdraw from society feeling that no one understands them.
Some die young from illnesses, accidents, suicides as the pain of remaining here becomes too great. Most are hampered by the limitations of the third dimension. Most do not want children.
Some trigger soul memory gradually as their conscious awareness evolves. Others chose to attract an event, such as a near death experience, in which they detach from the physical grid returning in higher frequency. By creating a physical event of this kind, they are often left with the finances so they no longer have to work in the physical and can spend their time searching for the truth about their purpose here. A functional soul will never take this route of sabotage.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
ATP I'll Be Your Mirror London Mixtape by All Tomorrows Parties
00.00 “...They Don’t Sleep Anymore on the Beach…” / Monheim - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
13.19 We Carry On - Portishead
19.44 A Cold Freezin’ Night - The Books
23.04 Gazzillion Ear - Doom
27.15 You Fucking People Make Me Sick - Swans
32.20 Yang Yang - Anika
35.11 Real Love - Factory Floor
42.32 Infinity Skull Cube - DD/MM/YYYY
45.51 Untilted - Helen Money
51.42 “Four Spirits In A Room” Excerpt - Alan Moore & Stephen O’Malley
56.50 Plaster Casts Of Everything - Liars
60.43 8 Steps To Perfection - Company Flow
65.23 Written On The Forehead - PJ Harvey
68.49 Arabic Emotions - The London Snorkeling Team
71.27 Wulfstan - BEAK>
77.28 When My Baby Comes - Grinderman
84.09 Paris Signals - S.C.U.M.
88.30 Lovers With Iraqis - Foot Village
92.18 Gratitude - Acoustic Ladyland
96.29 Violence - The Telescopes
100.01 Hannibal - Caribou
106.15 Walk In The Park - Beach House
00.00 “...They Don’t Sleep Anymore on the Beach…” / Monheim - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
13.19 We Carry On - Portishead
19.44 A Cold Freezin’ Night - The Books
23.04 Gazzillion Ear - Doom
27.15 You Fucking People Make Me Sick - Swans
32.20 Yang Yang - Anika
35.11 Real Love - Factory Floor
42.32 Infinity Skull Cube - DD/MM/YYYY
45.51 Untilted - Helen Money
51.42 “Four Spirits In A Room” Excerpt - Alan Moore & Stephen O’Malley
56.50 Plaster Casts Of Everything - Liars
60.43 8 Steps To Perfection - Company Flow
65.23 Written On The Forehead - PJ Harvey
68.49 Arabic Emotions - The London Snorkeling Team
71.27 Wulfstan - BEAK>
77.28 When My Baby Comes - Grinderman
84.09 Paris Signals - S.C.U.M.
88.30 Lovers With Iraqis - Foot Village
92.18 Gratitude - Acoustic Ladyland
96.29 Violence - The Telescopes
100.01 Hannibal - Caribou
106.15 Walk In The Park - Beach House
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Use your senses fully. Be where you are. Look around. Just look, don't interpret. See the light, shapes, colors, textures. Be aware of the silent presence of each thing. Be aware of the space that allows everything to be. Listen to the sounds; don't judge them. Listen to the silence underneath the sounds. Touch something- anything- and feel and acknowledge it's Being. Observe the rhythm of your breathing; feel the air flowing in and out, feel the life energy inside your body. Allow everything to be, within and without. Allow the 'isness' of all things. Move deeply into the Now. You are leaving behind the deadening world of mental abstraction, of time. You are getting out of the insane mind that is draining you of life energy. Just as it is slowly poisoning and destroying the earth. You are awakening out of the dream of time into the Present.
Written by
"They talkin' about nuclear war, it's a motherfucker, dont you know, if they push that button, your ass must go. They'll blast you so high in the sky; you'll kiss your ass goodbye. Radiation, mutation, hydrogen bombs, atomic bombs- What you gonna do without yo ass?"
Quote by
An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me…It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority.
The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generousity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too.”
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied … “The one I feed.”
“Silence is Golden; it has divine power and immense energy. Try to pay more attention to the silence than to the sounds. Paying attention to outer silence creates inner silence: the mind becomes still. Every sound is born out of silence, dies back into silence, and during its life span is surrounded by silence. Silence enables the sound to be. It is an intrinsic but unmanifested part of every sound, every musical note, every song, and every word. The unmanifested is present in this world as silence. All you have to do is pay attention to it.”
Quote by
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Oni Ayhun
“Once upon a time long long time ago there was a mystical city called Tar.. And at that time all the cities were intact and flourishing, there were no ruins, because the final war had not yet begun. When the great catastrophe occurred, all the cities crumbled.. except Tar.. Tar still exists. If you know where to look for it you will find it. And when you get there you will be presented with wine and water and you could play with a gramophone. When you get there, you will help harvest grapes and you will pick up scorpions hidden under white rocks. When you get there, you will know eternity. You’ll see a bird that drinks one drop of water from the ocean every hundred years. When you get there, you’ll understand life. You’ll become a cat, phoenix, swan, elephant, baby and an old man. You’ll be alone and accompanied. You’ll love and be loved, you’ll be everywhere, and yours will be the seal of seals. As you approach the future, you’ll find ecstasy, and it will never abandon you.”
Quote from
Image from
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The New Brooklyn Cookbook launches this October. Many of our favorite haunts are participating in the publication that celebrates a new food movement of local, slow and considerate cooking that has made Brooklyn a popular dining destination these past few years. The contents were pulled off of a Grub Hub post and have left me relishing in the recipes that will be bequeathed onto the popular masses (Uh, Dumac and Cheese?). Yummmm.
Art Openings Season
- Marcel Broodthaers: Major Works at Michael Werner Gallery, 74 East 77th Street, 6-8
- Marcel Broodthaers Section Cinema at Marian Goodman Gallery, 24 West 57th Street, 6-8
- Erica Schreiner, Sol Kjok at Bill Hodges Gallery, 524 West 57th Street, 6-8
- New Narrative curated by John Serdula at Heskin Contemporary, 443 West 37th Street, 6-9
- Rachel Owens at ZieherSmith, 516 West 20th Street, 6-8
- Kwon Kisoo at Flowers, 529 West 20th Street, 6-8
- Holly Miller Recent Work + Mario Naves, that former New York Observer art critic/ painter at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, 529 West 20th Street, 6-8
- Jim Toia Islands: ant colonies, spores, webs, jellyfish & other natural phenomena at Kim Foster Gallery, 529 West 20th Street, 6-8
- Juliana Zevallos Landscapes of Time at Skoto Gallery, 529 West 20th Street, 5th fl., 6-8
- Bob Knox, Brigit Graschopf, Rashid Rana, Steve Sabella, Wafaa Bilal The Interrupted Image curated by Sam Bardaouil, Till Fellrath at Nicholas Robinson Gallery, 535 West 20th Street, 6-8
- Ed Welsh Signs at Ricco/Maresca Gallery, 529 West 20th Street, 3rd fl., 6-8
- Zilvinas Kempinas, Ballroom at YVON LAMBERT NEW YORK, 550 West 21st Street, 6-8
- Nathan Carter Pocket Shrapnel Set-Ups Veronica Vex and Brooklyn Street Treasures at Casey Kaplan, 525 West 21st Street, 6-8
- Sally Gil Works on Paper at 571 Projects, 551 West 21rst Street, Ste. 204A, 6-9
- Allan McCollum, Keith Edmier Stop Motion at Friedrich Petzel Gallery, 535 West 22nd Street, 6 - unknown
- The Space Between Reference & Regret w/ Allan McCollum, Cheyney Thompson, Daniel Buren, Heimo Zobernig, Karin Sander, Matthew Brannon, Philippe Parreno, Stephen Prina, Wade Guyton at Friedrich Petzel Gallery, 537 West 22nd Street, 6-8
- Louise Bourgeois & Tracey Emin, Do Not Abandon Me atCarolina Nitsch Project Room, 534 West 22nd Street, 6-8
- Gregory Van Maanen The Wolf Returns at Cavin-Morris Gallery, 210 11th Avenue, 2nd fl., 6-8
- Craig Kauffman Late Work Late Work at Danese, 535 West 24th Street 6th fl., Betw 10th & 11th Ave., 6-8
- Jeff Bark Lucifer Falls at Hasted Hunt Kraeutler, 537 West 24th Street, 6-8
- Christopher Bucklow at Danziger Projects, 534 West 24th Street, 6-8
- Talk, David Chang Color in Memory curated by April Oh at Blank Space, 511 West 25th Street, Ste. 204, 6-8
- Gervasio Batista, Jader Neves, Nicolau Drey, Stuckert Brasilia curated by Murillo Meirelles at 1500 Gallery, 511 West 25th Street, Ste. 607, 6-8
- Joseph Zito Not Even the Saints Can Help at Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., 514 West 25th Street, 6-8
- THAT IS THEN. THIS IS NOW Curated by Irving Sandler & Robert Storr w/ Cynthia Carlson, David Deutsch, Donna Dennis, Hermine Ford, Kim MacConnel, Lois Lane, Martha Diamond, Mike Glier & Thomas Lawson at CUE Art Foundation, 511 West 25th Street, 6-8
- Zito Not Even the Saints Can Help at Lennon Weinberg Inc., 514 West 25th Street, 6-8
- Lori Field The Sky is Falling at Claire Oliver, 513 West 26th Street, 6-8
- Rob Swainston Propositions at David Krut Projects, 526 West 26th Street, 8th fl., 6-8
- Zsolt Bodoni, Feherlofia, Son of the White Mare at Ana Cristea Gallery, 521 West 26th Street, 6-8
- Masako Inkyo ShinRaBanSho at Onishi Gallery, 521 West 26th Street, 6-8
- Dr. Joseph A. Russo the Dark Side of Nature (Little Found Worlds) at Chelsea Gallery Space, 508 West 26th Street, studio 9E, 6-9
- Elaine Stocki, Ian Campbell, Whitney Claflin Handshakes atThomas Erben Gallery, 526 West 26th Street, 4th fl., 6-8:30
- Alejandro Almanza Pereda The heaviest luggage for the traveler is the empty one at Magnan Metz Gallery, 521 West 26th Street, 6-8
- Lori Field The Sky is Falling at Claire Oliver, 513 West 26th Street, 6-8
- Chris Wilder, Gillian S. Wilson, Yves Sauriol at The Ocean / The Waves, 526 West 26th Street, Ste. 502A, 6-9
- Caren Canier, Paintings + Patrick Webb, Punchinello As Other atThe Painting Center, 547 West 27th Street Ste. 500,
- Sarah Peters, Appeal to Heaven + Brent Birnbaum, Danielle Durchslag, Michael Galvin, Morgan Levy, R. Justin StewartUsed Books organized by Ryan Frank at Winkleman Gallery, 637 West 27th Street,
- Karl Wirsum Drawings: 1967-70 at Derek Eller Gallery, 615 West 27th Street, 6-8
- Andr, Latona, Leban and Kleindienst, Liboiron, Wan at AC Institute, 547 West 27th Street, #610, 6-8
- Gabriel Hartley at Foxy Production, 623 West 27th Street, 6-8
- Joshua Marsh Ten Things, new location inaugural exhibition atJeff Bailey Gallery, 625 West 27th Street, 6-8
- Irina Davis Nice Girls at Sputnik Gallery, 547 West 27th Street, 5th fl., 6-8
- Jean-Pierre Roy A Rational Spectacle at Rare, 547 West 27th Street, Ste. 514, 6-9
- Linda Mieko Allen & Mark Calderon at Nancy Hoffman Gallery, 520 West 27th Street, 6-8
- Bahar Behbahani, Maria Zervou, Miriam Kruishoop, Pepe Smit, Sanghee Song, Open End at Witzenhausen Gallery, 547 West 27th Street, Ste. 530, 6-8
- Stephen Aldrich All the World's a Stage, Contemporary collagemade by cutting up of 19th-century woodcuts & steel engravings from original text sources at Foley Gallery, 548 West 28th Street, 2nd fl., 6-8
- Dave Kinsey New Works at Joshua Liner Gallery, 548 West 28th Street 3rd fl., 6-8
- Tribble & Mancenido Hurry Up & Wait at Sasha Wolf Gallery, 548 West 28th Street, 6-8
- Jaishri Abichandani Dirty Jewels at Fabio Rossi, 548 West 28th Street, Ste. 646, 6-8:30
- Studio School 2001-2010 at New York Studio School, 8 West 8 Street, 6:30-8:30
- Jess Fuller, Josh Blackwell, Lauren Luloff, Leif Ritchey, Robert Janitz, Suzanne Goldenberg Material Issue & Other Matter curated by Michael Mahalchick, Wallace Whitney at Canada Gallery, 55 Chrystie Street, betw Hester & Canal, 6:30-8:30
- Andra Ursuta The Management of Barbarism at Ramiken Crucible, 221 East Broadway at Clinton Street, 6-9
- Santiago Sierra Los Penetrados at Team, 83 Grand Street, 6-8
- Michael Zelehoski's first New York solo exhibition Objecthood atChristina Ray, 30 Grand Street gnd fl., 7-9
- OLEK Knitting is for Pus**** at Christopher Henry Gallery, 127 Elizabeth Street, 6-8
- Richard Wentworth at Peter Freeman Gallery, 560 Broadway #602/603, 6-8
- Miguel Aguirre, Gone With The Wind at Y Gallery, at 4th Sreet, 355A Bowery Street, basement, 7-9
- Orisha: Art without Surrender II at Henry Gregg Gallery, 111 Front Street, Brooklyn, Dumbo, Ste. 226, 6-8
- Closing Party- Cannonball Press: Born Under A Bad Sign at 99% Gallery & Art Center, 99 North 10th Street, Broolyn, 7-10
- Performance, Humans: A Collection at Brooklyn Fire Proof, 119 Graham Street at Porter Avenue, Bushwick, Brooklyn, RSVP, 7:30
- Gail Flanery Horizon at 440 Gallery, 440 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, 6-9
- Bari Kumar & Mondongo, Material Witness at Bose Pacia, 163 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, 6-8
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Rainbow Crostinis
OC columnists & THE JEWELS OF NEW YORK let us in on a quick and easy late summer snack!
Rainbow Crostinis
Serves 4
3 heirloom tomatoes or 1 pint of mini heirlooms (mixed colors)
1 12-ounce ball of burrata (or fresh ricotta)
1 freshly baked baguette
1 bunch of fresh basil
1 clove of garlic, peeled
Olive oil to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste
Drain fresh burrata over a strainer and small bowl to remove any extra liquid from the cheese.
Slice the baguette lengthwise and into 6 inch segments. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees until lightly browned at the edges. Take each toasted segment and brush the cut side up with the clove of garlic.
With a knife, spread burrata on each slice of baguette. Top off each slice with basil, tomatoes and a drizzle of olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.
Matter & Motion
Jiggling Atoms from Virtualburn on Vimeo.
Inspired by two of my favorite thinkers, artist Yoko Ono and physicist Richard Feynman, this article is an experiment in physics and event scores. It quotes Feynman’s enchanting stories about a teeming nano-world for a 1983 BBC interview Physics is fun to imagine, recontextualising some of his thoughts as proposal pieces in the spirit of Grapefruit, an artist’s book by Ono.
In the BBC footage, Feynman wonders how some people find science so easy, and others find it dull and difficult – like children, for instance. “In the case of science, I think one of the things that makes it very difficult is that it takes a lot of imagination,” he says. “It’s very hard to imagine all the crazy things that things really are like. Nothing’s really as it seems. [...] But I find myself trying to imagine all kinds of things all the time. And I get a kick out of it.”
Exploring our place in the cosmos, the following transcripts and performance instructions aim to create an experience of science.
Water drop piece
Richard Feynman: “You see a little drop of water, a tiny drop. [...] The atoms in it attract each other. They like to be next to each other. They want as many partners as they can get. Now, the guys that are on the surface of the drop have only partners on one side, so they’re trying to get in. You can imagine this team of people all moving very fast, all wanting to get as many partners as possible, and the guys at the edge are very unhappy and nervous, and they keep on pounding in. And that’s what makes the drop a tight ball instead of flat – surface tension.”
Take a mannerism from an atom in a drop of water.
Gather a group of people in the same room for an hour.
Remain surrounded by a person on each side of you at all times.
Rubber band piece
“Most elastic things like steel springs and so on are nothing but this electrical thing pulling the atoms a little bit apart when you bend something, and then they try to come back together again. But rubber bands work on a different principle. There are some long molecules like chains that are kind of kinky and knocked about in shape. When you pull open the rubber band, the chains get straighter but they are being bombarded on the side by other little atoms trying to shorten them by kinking them, so they’re trying to pull back. [...] I’ve always found it fascinating to think, that when rubber bands are sitting on an old package of papers for a long time, holding them together, it’s done by a perpetual pounding, pounding, pounding of the atoms against these chains, trying to kink them for a long time, trying to hold this thing together.”
Wear a rubber band on your waist.
Eat a sandwich.
Think about the atoms that are pounding on your stomach.
Mirror Piece
“You look in a mirror, and let’s say you part your hair on the right side, but the image has its hair parted on the left side. So, the image is left and right mixed up. It’s not top and bottom mixed up because the top of the head in the image is still up there at the top, and the bottom of the feet are on the bottom. But how does the mirror know how to get the left and right mixed up but not the up and down? [...] It takes a lot of fiddling to describe what a mirror does. If you wave this hand, the waving hand in the mirror is right opposite it. The hand in the East is the hand in the East and the hand in the West is the hand in the West, and the head that’s up is up and the feet that are down are down. Everything’s really alright. But what’s wrong is that if this is North, your nose is to the North of the back of your head but in the image, the nose remains to the south of the back of the head. So, what actually happens in the image is neither mixing up the left and the right, nor the top and the bottom, but the front and back have been reversed. The nose of the image is on the wrong side of the head. Now, when we think of the image, we think of it as another person. And if we think of the normal way that a person would get into that condition over there, we don’t think of the idea that the person has been squashed and pushed backwards forwards with his nose and his head, because that’s not what ordinarily happens to people.”
Mirror all photographs of yourself on Photoshop.
Destroy the originals.
Swimming Pool piece
“If I’m sitting next to a swimming pool and somebody dives in [...], I think of the waves that are formed in the water. When lots of people have dived in the pool, there’s a great choppiness of all these waves all over the water. And to think that it might be possible that in those waves there are clues to what’s happening in the pool. [...] Someone with sufficient cleverness could just sit by the pool and figure out who jumped in; where, and when, by the nature of the irregularities and the bumping of the waves. [...] When we’re looking at something, the light that comes out is waves – just like in the swimming pool. It’s just that it’s in three dimensions.”
Look at the waves in a swimming pool.
Imagine what caused them.
Reconstruct that movement.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Have you ever wondered if perhaps you’re a narcissist?
Narcissim : an exceptional interest in and admiration of oneself.
According to Greek Mythology, Narcissus or Narkissos was a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection. The more he looked, the more he liked what he saw.
Are you a person who derives pleasure from the admiration of your own body or self?
Hmmm. Let’s see. I think of myself constantly, wondering what I can do to please or better myself best. After a painfully erroneous state of mind, I decided my actions should be designed to cement the importance of my self in this world and to that end, I am marked by self-love.
There is indeed nothing wrong with loving yourself. Ladies, if your engrossed into fashion then I hate to break it to you but you must master self absorption better than anybody else.
So turn your envy and self-doubt to narcissistic therapeutic action! Go to the gym! Take up Yoga or Pilates. Feed your brain! Drop that cigarette and cut the liquor out. Start that cleanse and reward yourself. Dump that person in your life if he or she is not embracing and supporting your essential narcissism!
Take exceptional interest in yourself. Admire yourself. Untuck the tail between your legs, Miss Pussy. Hear yourself purr and admire the sound. Be your own biggest fan.
"So there you have it, narcissism is important, as long as one doesn't get lost in one's reflection!"
Quote by
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Virgin Rebirth
'Virgin Rebirth', has all those things that are still making my heart beat a bit faster - pastel colours, sheer pieces, mixed up textiles and a romantic spirit that is reined in by some form of shape/structure in the design. These are then added to some hazy yellow-tinged lookbook images and an intention that of course references to beautiful films such as Virgin Suicides and Picnic at Hanging Rock.

How we see the world impacts our use of language and our use of language impacts how we see the world.
"For a long time, the idea that language might shape thought was considered at best untestable and more often simply wrong. Research in my labs at Stanford University and at MIT has helped reopen this question. We have collected data around the world: from China, Greece, Chile, Indonesia, Russia, and Aboriginal Australia. What we have learned is that people who speak different languages do indeed think differently and that even flukes of grammar can profoundly affect how we see the world. Language is a uniquely human gift, central to our experience of being human. Appreciating its role in constructing our mental lives brings us one step closer to understanding the very nature of humanity."
How does our language shape the way we think?
Two aspects of the visual world that provide good examples of how the visual impacts language and vary between languages and cultures: Color & Space.
Winawer and others at MIT take a close look at this subject in "Russian blues reveal effects of language on color discrimination." (2007) For red & pink, there is a correlating opposite in Chinese. The color distinction is not as prevalent as the colors are in the same category linguistically. Red is 红 (hóng) and pink as 粉红, (fěn hóng) or literally "powder red", a linguistic derivation similar to 'light-blue' in English. Where Russian blues are distinct, so are the Reds in English, but in Chinese, they are linguistically related.
This insight/observation points towards a direct connection between the language one speaks and the functionality of the visual cortex and the brain. In other words, the vocabulary you use and how you categorize the world affects the speed at which you brain can recall certain information through your optic nerves. They also hint that left brain hemisphere tasks may be affected by language and visual perception as this is the hemisphere of the brain where language and logical performance is organized.
In addition to color, spatial perception varies among cultures according to researchers. These differences in how we perceive space (eg. size, distance, depth, and direction, etc) lead to corresponding linguistic differences manifested in the words we use to describe our surroundings in different language. This lens of language here affects how we perceive and feel about our surroundings. One might easily imagine how a phrase like "that is a large house", "it is within walking distance", or "it is located off to the right" would vary in meaning between cultures, but there are more subtle and stark differences in how we perceive space differently. The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics has several examples of cultural variances. Researcher Steven C. Levinson has interesting insights and states that in "...many cultures (as suggested by at least a third of the small sample) spatial conception is organized in a fundamentally different way than expected on the basis of familiar western languages."
Geography, culture, and even technology shape how we view space in our world. In addition to variance among cultures, there is constant change within languages. It is not solely a function of this 'lens of language'; it is both a function of our language and our experiences. For example, the exposure to mathematics and science has an impact on how we perceive space.
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Bored of the same & tired old rock-paper-scissor? Try Mark Rayner's variant: "Monkey-Pirate-Robot-Ninja-Zombie!"
A decade ago, Alessandra Sanguinetti became drawn to a pair of cousins in a rural province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Their evident affection for each other is somehow magnified by their mismatched physiques, where Sanguinetti took pictures to "crystallize their rich yet fragile and unattended world" and where she managed to capture the series called “The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams”. Now, at long last, it’s been published as a book.
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