Sunday, September 5, 2010


Have you ever wondered if perhaps you’re a narcissist?

Narcissim : an exceptional interest in and admiration of oneself.

According to Greek Mythology, Narcissus or Narkissos was a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection. The more he looked, the more he liked what he saw.

Are you a person who derives pleasure from the admiration of your own body or self?

Hmmm. Let’s see. I think of myself constantly, wondering what I can do to please or better myself best. After a painfully erroneous state of mind, I decided my actions should be designed to cement the importance of my self in this world and to that end, I am marked by self-love.

There is indeed nothing wrong with loving yourself. Ladies, if your engrossed into fashion then I hate to break it to you but you must master self absorption better than anybody else.

So turn your envy and self-doubt to narcissistic therapeutic action! Go to the gym! Take up Yoga or Pilates. Feed your brain! Drop that cigarette and cut the liquor out. Start that cleanse and reward yourself. Dump that person in your life if he or she is not embracing and supporting your essential narcissism!

Take exceptional interest in yourself. Admire yourself. Untuck the tail between your legs, Miss Pussy. Hear yourself purr and admire the sound. Be your own biggest fan.

"So there you have it, narcissism is important, as long as one doesn't get lost in one's reflection!"

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