Friday, May 28, 2010




The following photography is taken with a Holga camera on documented cities like Vienna, Hamburg, Venice and Prague giving each picture a haunting vibe. Beautiful.

"You mustn't be afraid of the dark. Night is Purer then day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day take on a new deeper meaning."

Photography by

Quote extract from

Eggshell Art

Franc Grom, a Slovenian artist, makes these amazing designs by drilling holes into egg shells. He has made over 300 so far; sometimes it takes him months to finish a single piece.


Soviet Hobbits

English Russia posted illustrations from the first soviet edition of Tolkien's The Hobbit, accompanied by three videos of a 70's low budget telefilm/play broadcasted to entertain Soviet children. The result is truly hilarious, and yet touching. Gollum is a must-see!

Russian Lord of the Rings

Extract from

Monday, May 24, 2010

She Demons

Sky, Horse, and Death

"I always want to write erotic music... Not only about the love between men and women, but in a much more universal sense - about the sensuality of the mechanism of the universe... about life."

Quote by

Friday, May 21, 2010

Garden of Enchantment

Hildur Yeoman and Saga Sigurðardóttir have both collaborated in a BEAUTIFUL set of images entitled 'Garden of Enchantment'. Their inspiration comes from Greek mythology and Russian fairy tales as well as their Icelandic surroundings. 'Garden of Enchantment' arises from both combined forces, where Saga works as a photographer and Hildur as a stylist and illustrator. These photos were printed on wood, paper and fabric which leave us with a magical effect between both aged and alive images.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It's Just Sex

Greater New York

On view May 23, 2010 - October 18, 2010

P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center
22-25 Jackson Ave at the intersection of 46th Ave
Long Island City, NY 11101
(718) 784-2084

The Opening Day Celebration for Greater New York is Sunday, May 23 from 12-6PM.

Greater New York, the third iteration of the quinquennial exhibition organized by MoMA PS1 and The Museum of Modern Art, showcasing some 68 artists and collectives living and working in the metropolitan New York area, will open at MoMA PS1 on May 23 and run through October 18, 2010. The 2010 exhibition will not only present recent work made within the past five years, but also will foster a productive workshop where artists will be invited to experiment with new ideas within MoMA PS1's building for the duration of the exhibition. Greater New York is organized by Klaus Biesenbach, Director of MoMA PS1 and Chief Curator at Large at The Museum of Modern Art; Connie Butler, The Robert Lehman Foundation Chief Curator of Drawings, The Museum of Modern Art; and Neville Wakefield, MoMA PS1 Senior Curatorial Advisor.

Covering a full range of practices and mediums, the artists in Greater New York are inspired by living in one of the most diverse and provocative centers of cultural activity in the world. The exhibition centers largely on the process of creation and the generative nature of the artist's studio and practice. A number of artists are being commissioned to work in residence in MoMA PS1's gallery space to shoot photographs and video, rehearse and realize performances, and stretch the notions of sculpture, painting, photography, film, and video-making.

The Greater New York 2010 curators selected artists through studio visits, review of recommendations, mailed submissions, and through Studio Visit, a new initiative on that invites artists to present their artwork and studios online. Over 750 Studio Visit submissions were reviewed by the curatorial team.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Coolest in the world

Photos by

Gracias A La Vida

To the fearless & Loyal Lovers & Faithful companions!

Passion, Poder, Poeta

Thanks to life which has given me so much
gave me two eyes that when I open
perfectly distinguish black from white
and in the sky above, her starry backdrop
and in the multitudes, the man I love.

Thanks to life which has given me so much
has given me sound and the alphabet
with the words that I think and declare
mother, friend, brother and the illuminating light
to the path of the soul that I love.

Thanks to life which has given me so much
It's given motion to these tired feet.
With them, I have traversed cities and puddles,
beaches and deserts, mountains and plains
And your house, your street and your patio.

Thanks to life which has given me so much
gave me the heart that flutters in its framework
when I see the fruit of the human brain
when I look good so far from bad,
when I look at the bottom of your light eyes.

Thanks to life which has given me so much
has given me laughter and tears,
as I distinguish between joy and pain
the two materials that make up my song;
which is the same song as yours
and the song of all which is my own song.

Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Thanks to life.

Photo taken & written by

Lyrics by

Monday, May 17, 2010

I C London, I C France & the ICFF

Yesterday, was a very good reason to stay indoors: the 22nd Annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) was on, after all! I went to check out the brilliant artists leading furniture, lighting, toy, bicycle and packaging design from all over the world. If you can't make the last day of the fair (tomorrow!), check out 'some' of what made me say, "WOWZAAAA"!

These chandeliers reminded me of this.

22nd Annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
655 West 34th Street
May 18th, 10am-4pm

The World

Then I realized that since before there was somewhere to look –
there had been a world around me.
And now it’s gone.

There’s only me.

And then I realized that I am the world.
But the world – is not me.
Although at the same time I am the world.
But the world’s not me.
And I’m the world.
But the world’s not me.
And I’m the world.
But the world’s not me.
And I’m the world.

And after that I didn’t think anything more.

Written by


Always, always, in my heart.....












Coolest of cool, brilliant delight, lingering in my heart all my love for you....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chase the Tear

Portishead - Chase The Tear from Mintonfilm on Vimeo.

Helsinki Rocks!

"Los paises nórdicos funcionan como una piña, donde Estocolmo actúa como eje de rotación entre Helsinki, Oslo y Copenhague. Los suecos son los que más cultura exportan: en música, diseño y moda. Si te preguntaran por noruegos o daneses, seguro que te vienen rápido a la mente distintos ejemplos, ¿y si te preguntan por finlandeses? Vale sí, Jimmi Tenor, Hanoi Rocks, Lordi, HIM, Alvar Aalto o Marimekko. La ciudad vive una etapa importante, con una escena indie agitada y nuevos diseñadores de moda como Laitinen, Ivana Helsinki, Minna Parikka o los amos del street couture: CTRL (léase “Control”). Uno de los estereotipos más famosos de la ruta báltica que conecta Estocolmo con Helsinki es Siljan line. Unos cruceros famosos por los desparrames que se montan. La ruta dura unas 20 horas y aparte de las diferentes actividades, tienes una tienda de alcohol duty-free que nadie quiere pasar por alto. Muchos son los turistas que incluso hacen el trayecto de ida y vuelta sin ni siquiera bajarse a tierra. La experiencia es bastante hard-core, hay de todo y si sabes montártelo, lo pasarás en grande. Además tienes una piscina y sauna nórdica en la azotea del barco, lo mejor para supurar todo el vodka acumulado. Cogimos la ruta Siljan camino a Helsinki. Por alguna razón el wireless sólo funcionaba en el bar del casino, asi que entre Black Jack y Ruleta Rusa, fuimos confeccionando la llegada a Helsinki. Cuando llegamos reunimos a todas las bandas en la galería de arte Forum Box..... Jaakko Savolainen ha estado componiendo varios años y también en 2009 su primer disco vio la luz: “Confío que la gente pueda encontrar a los artistas finlandeses interesantes. Por supuesto hay un montón de mierda circulando por ahí, pero seguro que muchos otros son interesantes”....."

Written by


Frames by

Friday, May 14, 2010


Written by


Wait, so how exactly can one fit 24 rooms into a 344 square foot apartment? Oh, by being an absolute genius.

Just think about how many more residents the Domino Sugar developers could squeeze in if they utilized this kind of design! That "warm golden light" killssss me!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The National Arts Club

Please join Annika Connor and the Roundtable of the National Arts Club on May 13th at 6:30pm for an exciting night of Art and Fashion. Gathering in Nolita at the boutique-clothing store INVEN.TORY, guests will have the opportunity to browse the store and view the Point Suite Pop Up Show. Starting at 6:30 pm we will host a light reception followed at 7pm by an evening of education artist talks by the curator and artists in the INVEN.TORY EXHIBITION: a Point Suite Pop Up Show.

The INVEN.TORY EXHIBITION is a pop-up show in support of the Point Suite Art Book. This exhibition is an innovative collaboration between Fine Art and Fashion that embraces and explores the idea of art outside the traditional gallery structure.

On May 13th, some of the artists in the exhibition: Megan Burns, Annika Connor, Tom Costa, and Melanie Jelacic will discuss their art. Curator Justine Durrett will discuss the phenomenon in today's art world of the stray space shows, and Natalie Fasano writer for the Point Suite Art Book will discuss the Point Suite project and the DYI mentality of young artists in today’s current crisis climate.

This event will also act as an unofficial closing party for the exhibition, which ends the following day on May 14th. We hope to see you all then.

INVEN.TORY is located at 237 Lafayette Street, between Prince & Spring Streets.


"Japan has successfully set a new world record. Having 250 men and 250 women who commenced to have sex in the same place at the same time, completing the world biggest orgy ever."

Nobody does it quite like Japan, not only do they hold the world record for biggest public orgy, but it was also the most orderly. It’s hard to get 500 people to sit nicely together- let alone sit on each other! Wow.

Extract from


Bjorg’s 2010 collection blew me away, as well as the short film…

TIME AWAY - BJØRG 2010 from Matias&Mathias on Vimeo.