Life is so strange; how vast the amount of up's and down's, dreams and realities, places and people. The endless amount of information, back and forth and all around us. The abundant unanswered questions crossing threw mind like a cross-stitching spider.

The intense amount of love and pain we feel and give. The way we respire or expire at the corner of our lovers' lips. That selfless, burning desire, connected towards irrevocable love. Sweet like a butterfly in marmalade.

What’s done is done. What goes on, goes on. The days turn into nights and consecutively, nights to day, and threw this process I feel the heaviness of how much has changed and how much remains.

How there are some things in life you simply can not run from.
Things we are forced to look at with 'opened' eyes: exceptionally vulnerable and receptive eyes.
I am nor a fatalist or a great realist at all, even if I say I do know where this journey leads, but indeed, I have breathed a heavy dose of an unadulterated truth.

Through trials and tribulations, remember, know, what is genuine and true. Learn, look, and see what is before you. Feel what's really there, and has never left.

Be true with yourself, to open your eyes wider, to desire more; dream more, plant your feet firmer, and/or love more selflessly. We all must start somewhere down this mysterious road, journey, or destination. The inevitable endless possibility of the new moon is awaiting us outside.