London-based designer Brooke Roberts has shifted her label with her last two collections to concentrate on fusing science and fashion within her codes of luxury knitwear and digital print. For A/W 10-11, she sued something called ChemDraw, ENEAS and Photoshop. Of which, I only knew one out of the three. The others, I haven't a faintest clue, though Brooke thankfully enlightens us further on her blog

Brooke of course didn't just pluck this medical scan from nowhere. She happens to be a trained radiographer as well which is where she got hold of this and other scans to form the basis of her collection. From the brain scans of last season, she's turned to the side view of a sinus. Yes, the above picture is a sinus. The pieces have been quilted along the lines of the pattern as well as incorporating a 3-D surface effect and a slight shimmer achieved by a mix of five yarns (cashmere, techno-plastic!!! and viscose…). The laser-cut metal embellishments at the bottom on the bodies are actually titanium plates used to fix broken bones.

I can of course recognize the fact that these are beautifully engineered knitwear pieces that don't require the medical history to back them up. Though of course, if I ever owned a piece, I'd love to keep pointing out the fact that it's a scan of a SINUS and might even harass a few people on the bus to tell them this.